Charles R. Twardy

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Airborne / VAERS

Thanks to Mike Bishop for alerting me to Jiminez' 100-tweet thread and Lancet paper on the case for COVID-19 aerosols, and the fascinating 100-year history that still shapes debate.

Because of that history, it seems admitting “airborne” or “aerosol” has been quite a sea change. Some of this is important - “droplets” are supposed to drop, while aerosols remain airborne and so circulate farther.

But some seems definitional - a large enough aerosol is hindered by masks, and a small droplet doesn’t drop.

However, point being that like measles and other respiratory viruses, “miasma” isn’t a bad concept, so contagion can travel, esp. indoors.

VAERS Caveat

Please people, if using VAERS, go check the details. @RealJoeSmalley posts stuff like “9 child deaths in nearly 4,000 vaccinations”, but it’s not his responsibility if the data is wrong, caveat emptor.

With VAERS that’s highly irresponsible - you can’t even use VAERS without reading about its limits.

I get 9 deaths in VAERS if I set the limits to “<18”. But the number of total US vaccinations for <18 isn’t 4,000 - it’s 2.2M.

Also I checked the 9 VAERS deaths for <18:

Two are concerning because little/no risk:

  1. 16yo, only risk factor oral contraceptives
  2. 15yo, no known risks

Two+ are concerning but seem experimental. AFAIK the vaccines are not approved for breastfeeding, and are only in clinical trial for young children. Don’t try this at home:

  1. 5mo breastmilk exposure - mom vaccinated. (?!)
  2. 2yo in ¿illicit? trial? Very odd report saying it was a clinical trial but the doctors would deny that, reporter is untraceable, batch info is untraceable. Odd.
  3. 1yo, seizure. (Clinical trial? Else how vaccinated?)

Two were very high risk patients. (Why was this even done?):

  1. 15yo with about 25 severe pre-existing / allergies
  2. 17yo w/~12 severe pre-existing / allergies

Two are clearly unrelated:

  1. Error - gunshot suicide found by family, but age typed as “1.08”.
  2. 17yo, firearm suicide - history of mental illness

For evaluating your risk, only the two teens would seem relevant. They might not be vaccine-related, but with otherwise no known risk, it’s a very good candidate cause.


I’m not able to get “saved search” to work, so here’s the non-default Query Criteria:

  • Age: < 6 months; 6-11 months; 1-2 years; 3-5 years; 6-17 years
  • Event Category: Death
  • Serious: Yes
  • Vaccine Products: COVID19 VACCINE (COVID19)

Group By: VAERS ID