...much exaggerated.

Headlines about the death of theory are philosopher clickbait. Fortunately Laura Spinney’s article is more self-aware than the headline:

❝   But Anderson’s [2008] prediction of the end of theory looks to have been premature – or maybe his thesis was itself an oversimplification. There are several reasons why theory refuses to die, despite the successes of such theory-free prediction engines as Facebook and AlphaFold. All are illuminating, because they force us to ask: what’s the best way to acquire knowledge and where does science go from here?

(Note: Laura Spinney also wrote Pale Rider, a history of the 1918 flu.)

Big Data?

Forget Facebook for a moment. Image classification is the undisputed success of black-box AI: we don’t know how to write a program to recognize cats, but we can train a neural net on lots of picture and “automate the ineffable”.

But we’ve had theory-less ways to recognize cat images for millions of years. Heck, we have recorded images of cats from thousands of years ago. Automating the ineffable, in Kozyrkov’s lovely phrase, is unspeakably cool, but it has no bearing on the death of theory. It just lets machines do theory-free what we’ve been doing theory-free already.


The problem with black boxes is supposedly that we don’t understand what they’re doing. Hence DARPA’s “Third Wave” of Explainable AI. Kozyrkov thinks testing is better than explaining - after all we trust humans and they can’t explain what they’re doing.

I’m more with DARPA than Kozyrkov here: explainable is important because it tells us how to anticipate failure. We trust inexplicable humans because we basically understand their failure modes. We’re limited, but not fragile.

But theory doesn’t mean understanding anyway. That cat got out of the bag with quantum mechanics. Ahem.

Apparently the whole of quantum theory follows from startlingly simple assumptions about information. That makes for a fascinating new Argument from Design, with the twist that the universe was designed for non-humans, because humans neither grasp the theory nor the world it describes. Most of us don’t understand quantum. Well maybe Feynman, though even he suggested he might not really understand.

Though Feynman and others seem happy to be instrumentalist about theory. Maybe derivability is enough. It is a kind of understanding, and we might grant that to quantum.

But then why not grant it to black-box AI? Just because the final thing is a pile of linear algebra rather than a few differential equations?


I think it was Wheeler or Penrose – one of those types anyway – who imagined we met clearly advanced aliens who also seemed to have answered most of our open mathematical questions.

And then imagined our disappointment when we discovered that their highly practical proofs amounted to using fast computers to show they held for all numbers tried so far. However large that bound was, we should be rightly disappointed by their lack of ambition and rigor.

Theory-free is science-free. A colleague (Richard de Rozario) opined that “theory-free science” is a category error. It confuses science with prediction, when science is also the framework where we test predictions, and the error-correction system for generating theories.

Back to the article

Three examples from the article:

Machines can predict better than professionals.

Certainly. Since the 1970s when Meehl showed that simple linear regressions could outpredict psychiatrists, clinicians, and other professionals. In later work he showed they could do that even if the parameters were random.

So beating these humans isn’t prediction trumping theory. It’s just showing disciplines with really bad theory.

Prospecting Gaps

I admire Tom Griffiths, and any work he does. He’s one of the top cognitive scientists around, and using neural nets to probe the gaps in prospect theory is clever; whether it yield epicycles or breakthroughs it should advance the field.

He’s right that more data means you can support more epicycles. But basic insights Wallace’s MML remain: if the sum of your theory + data is not smaller than the data, you don’t have an explanation.


AlphaFold’s jumping-off point was the ability of human gamers to out-fold traditional models. The gamers intuitively discovered patterns – though they couldn’t fully articulate them. So this was just another case of automating the ineffable.

But the deep nets that do this are still fragile – they fail in surprising ways that humans don’t, and they are subject to bizarre hacks, because their ineffable theory just isn’t strong enough. Not yet anyway.

So we see that while half of success of Deep Nets is Moore’s law and Thank God for Gamers, the other half is tricks to regularize the model.

That is, to reduce its flexibility.

I daresay, to push it towards theory.

Horse betting and @ReplicationMkts

A friend sent a May 2018 Bloomberg article by Kit Chellel, “The gambler who cracked the horse-racing code."
It’s a good story of forecasting real-world events, and the interplay of statistical models and intuition/expertise to tune those models, and contains useful guides for @ReplicationMkts forecasters.

I was struck by this:

A breakthrough came when Benter hit on the idea of incorporating a data set hiding in plain sight: the Jockey Club’s publicly available betting odds.

That’s a surprising oversight. In his defense, 1990 was way before Wisdom of the Crowd, the Iowa Electronic Markets were just getting started, and Robin Hanson was only beginning to write about prediction markets. On the other hand, sports betting had been around for a long time. Anyway, the paragraph continues:

Building his own set of odds from scratch had been profitable, but he found that using the public odds as a starting point and refining them with his proprietary algorithm was dramatically more profitable. He considered the move his single most important innovation, and in the 1990-91 season, he said, he won about $3 million.

Well, of course. Those odds contain all the work already done by others.

Use Prior Wisdom

There are at least three easy sources of prior wisdom in Replication Markets:

  • The starting price is set from the original study’s p-value, using a tiny (two-step) decision tree. This simple model has been 60-70% accurate.
  • The replication rate of the field, from previous replication studies or as forecast in Round 0.
  • The current market value. Markets are not surveys. If you arrive late to a well-traded market, pause. Why it is where it is? Is that value the result of a gradual negotiation of opposing views, or is it a single wild excursion?

With attention you can do better than these - as Benter did in horse betting - but don’t ignore them. Here are two stories on correcting the market:

  1. Yes, our markets are noisy. In SciCast, “faber” made much of his money with a simple bot that half-reversed wild trades by new accounts. So do this when it seems right - but note Faber’s first bot lost thousands of points to a savvy new opponent, before the bot gained backoff rules.

  2. DAGGRE’s top forecaster regularly updated a spreadsheet of his best estimates. But his trading rule was to correct the market only halfway to his best estimate, and wait. The market might know something he doesn’t. (Also, market judo: trading +3% 10x is cheaper than changing +30% 1x.)

Kelly Rule

The article also mentions that Benter used the Kelly rule to stay ahead of gambler’s ruin. Kelly’s rule was an important early result in, and unorthodox application of, Shannon’s Information Theory.

The rule is based on the insight that a market - or set of markets - is a source of repeated returns, and you want to maximize your lifetime earnings. Therefore you must be as aggressive as you can while ensuring you never go broke. In theory, Kelly will never go broke - though in the real world (a) it’s still more aggressive than most can stomach, so most practitioners add a cushion, and (b) in the real world, there are usually either minimum bets or fees, so the guarantee becomes more of a tendency. But Kelly investors tend to do well, if they really do have an edge over the current market value.

Also, where Kelly solved the case for a single bet, in SciCast, we created a simplified Kelly algorithm for combinatorial bets.

Many can win

Horse betting is a zero-sum game, like poker:

There was no law against what they were doing, but in a parimutuel gambling system, every dollar they won was a dollar lost by someone else

That’s not the case with Replication Markets. In LMSR-based markets, if ten people trade on a claim, and all raise the chance of the correct outcome, then they all win. The points come from the market maker - us.

We are also a play-money market - with prizes! - and we don’t charge transaction fees. Thanks to DARPA, who thinks it worthwhile to fund good estimates of the replicability of social science.