Model Testing, Mayo, Fisher, Bickel

Deborah Mayo has a new post on Model Testing and p-values vs. posteriors.

I haven’t read Bickel, but now want to. So thanks for the alert.

Fisher is surely right about facetiously adopting extreme priors – a “million to one” prior shouldn’t happen without some equivalent of a million experiences, and a “model check” on the priors makes sense if you want more than a hypothetical.

But surely, his paragraph about “not capable of finding expression in any calculation” is rhetorical fluff amounting you “you have the wrong model”. If priors are plucked from the air, they can be airily dismissed.

On this note I find his switch to parapsychology puzzling (follow her link to pp. 42-44). His Pleiades example shows that their unlikely clustering makes it hard to accept randomness despite the posterior odds still favoring randomness by 30:1. I think he is arguing that the sheer weight of evidence makes us doubt our prior assumption. And rightly so – how confident were we of that million:1 guesstimate anyway?

But his parapsychology example seems to make the opposite point. Here we (correctly) stick to our prior skepticism, and explain away the surprising results as fabrications, mistakes, etc. Here our prior is informed by many things including a century of failed parapsychology experiments – or more precisely a pattern of promising results falling apart under scrutiny. Like prospects for a new cancer drug, we expect it to let us down.

I like to think that “simple” Bayesian inference over all computable models wouldn’t suffer this problem, because all model classes are included. This being intractable, we typically calculate posteriors inside small convenient model families. If things look very wrong, hopefully we remember we may just have the wrong model. Though probably not before adding some epicycles.

Leaky vax & evolution

[swapped first two paragraphs; tweaks for clarity]

So this Philosophy Stackexchange answer by bobflux has me thinking, even as I’m about to get my booster shot. It’s long, but well-argued.

Intuition: Antibiotic resistance means you must finish your whole prescription so you kill the whole population, instead of just selecting for resistant ones. There is a similar concern with leaky vaccines.

My short summary, in table form plus three notes:

Sterilizing (Measles vax) Leaky (Covid vax)
Contagious (e.g. Measles)                    Vaccinate lots: balance side-effects & infection. No evolution. More vax ➛ more resistant. 3 paths: 1) Dengue: ☠️ vaxed; 2) Marek: ☠️ unvaxed; 3) common cold
Non-Contagious (e.g. Tetanus) Get if you want. Little impact on others. –NA–

Expanding on those three paths:

  1. Dengue vax caused antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), where the vaccine increased viral load, making Dengue more deadly to the vaxxed. Ouch.

  2. Marek vax in chickens extends infections of “strains otherwise too lethal to persist”. What used to paralyze and kill old birds is now 100% lethal even to young. All must be vaxxed, and will be carriers.

  3. Common cold: Those with mild case go out and about, spreading mild variants and immunities. Those very sick stay home and spread less. Utilitarians have a moral obligation to host Covid Parties.

~End Summary~

I’m happily on the annual-flu-shot train, esp. on the hope that by the time I’m 70 and need it, my system will have seen a lot of variants. Also, I haven’t heard any worries about breeding more resistant flu. I’ve been assuming for awhile that COVID would follow the common-cold path of becoming prevalent and mild, at worst flu-like with annual vaccines. And given that it’s impossible to avoid exposure, it seems better to get side effects of the spike protein rather than infection effects of the live virus.

Now twice in the last week I’ve come across the 2015 paper about the Marek experiment and am thinking about the evolutionary dynamics, and monocultures. How to tell what path we are on? When is it better to Stoically accept the current infections to spare future generations?  

More immediately, should I go through with the booster shot? (Given it’s scheduled for tomorrow, that’s the default and most likely outcome. But I am wondering. )

Discovered my new favorite Thanksgiving poem/prayer, from Malcom Guite:…

Janelle Shane asks GPT-3 what else besides water to bring on a hike. More here

Dashboards are the opposite. They’re often data, looking for a problem.

~Ben Stancil

Like so many of his interviews, this with McChrystal looks fascinating.

I found the beginning of the Srinivasan interview painful, but it improved later. I enjoyed Sullivan’s take on UK vs US. And I’m halfway through the rivetting discussion with Tufecki on COVID-19 response.

Good essay. I did not know the tragic Aaron Swartz story.

This struck me too:

Perhaps the KGB would have enjoyed a better reputation if they had merely charged astronomical sums for copies of Solzhenitsyn.…

Seems to me that claiming it’s “illegal and unconstitutional” to vax soldiers weakens an otherwise strong case that infection should count as vaccination. Military Times Esp. given promising Israeli data.

“The Ancient Art of Using Time Well”

Excellent 12-minute presentation & performance by Joy Buolamwini on AI bias. From 2019:…

Hard to have nice things

The mouseover for reviews on “Trusted [hah] Consumer Reviews”:

<img style=“display:block; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;” src=“" alt=“Text screenshot: “Trusted Consumer Reviews … the scoring … should not be used for accuracy purposes. …These referral fees may affect the rankings.”” title=“TrustedHahConsumerReviews.png” border=“0” width=“240” height=“134” />


Voice for compassionate harm reduction “when truth itself has supply-chain problems.”

❝   It's easy to judge the unvaccinated. As a doctor, I see a better alternative

In the last couple of years I’ve discovered both Conversations with Tyler and Sullivan’s (new) blog. So I’m looking forward to Tyler’s convo with Sullivan.


Screenshot of Robert Links three-tweet thread noting the study claiming no extra vax benefit to the previously infected had a confidence interval of 0..infinity. Meaning it provided no information. Clever study idea, but seriously underpowered.

Not Fully Vaccinated

This is 5-10x more dramatic than I thought.

  • About half of Virginians (~2/3 of adults) are fully vaccinated.
  • They comprise only ~2% of COVID cases, hospitalizations, or deaths.

This doesn’t seem to change much if you zoom in to recent months.

COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths by vaccination status, showing 97+% of each are among the not-fully-vaccinated.  4.6M fully vaccinated.

🔖 Old-fashioned confusion, a forecasting blog by Foretell forecaster kojif.

🔖 Alan Jacobs' post, beats me. What he said.

On the narrow point, there are risk-benefit analyses – like Peter Godfrey Smith on lockdowns – but like Jacobs and contra Dougherty, that’s not most of what I see. Dougherty seems better on sources of fear.

❝   the reality and importance of climate change does not ... excuse ... avoiding questions of research integrity any more than does the reality and importance of breast cancer.

~Pielke & Ritchie, in the current Issues in Science & Technology.

I love this Foretell comment:

The Economist often has clever covers, but I really struggled to figure out the metaphor here. Sunblock and shades for China policy? And weird to have brand name product placement.

Photo of Economist cover with sunblock bottle.

Then on doubletake I realized someone had put a real bottle of sunblock on the stairs next to the mail.

Watching Sydney’s Delta cases repeat the early-phase exponential growth of Melbourne, ADSEI’s Linda McIver asks:

Would our collective understanding of covid have been different if we were all more data literate?

Almost certainly, and I’m all for it. But would that avoid

watching Sydney try all of the “can we avoid really seriously locking down” strategies that we know failed us, … like a cinema audience shouting at the screen,

Not necessarily. Probably not, even, but that’s OK. It would still be a huge step forward to acknowledge the data and decide based on costs, values, and uncertainties. I’m fine with Sydney hypothetically saying,

❝   You're right, it's likely exponential, but we can't justify full lockdown until we hit Melbourne's peak.

I might be more (or less) cautious. I might care more (or less) about the various tradeoffs. I might make a better (or worse) decision were I in charge. That’s Okay. Even with perfect information, values differ.

It’s even fine to be skeptical of data that doesn’t fit my preferred theory. Sometimes Einstein’s right and the data is wrong.

What’s not okay is denying or ignoring the data just because I don’t like the cost of the implied action. Or, funding decades-long FUD campaigns for the same reason.

PS: Here is Linda’s shout suggesting that (only) stage-4 lockdown suppressed Delta: Melbournes second wave with dates of restrictions

Acapella Science’s 🧬 Evo Devo is just so good.

(So many others too.)

The July 5 Lancet letter reaffirms the authors' earlier skeptical view of LabLeak. They cited some new studies and some older pieces in favor of Zoonosis. Summary of those sources below. (This post was originally a CSET-Foretell comment.)

(Limitation: I’m summarizing expert arguments - I can evaluate arguments and statistics, but I have to rely on experts for the core biology. )

Cell July 9: Four novel SARS-CoV-2-related viruses sequenced from samples; RpYN06 is now second after RaTG13, and closest in most of the genome, but farther in spike protein. Also, eco models suggest broad range for bats in Asia, despite most samples coming from a small area of Yunnan. The upshot is that moderate looking found more related strains, implying there are plenty more out there. Also, a wider range for bats suggests there may be populations closer to Wuhan, or to its farm suppliers.

May 12 Virological post by RF Garry: Thinks WHO report has new data favoring zoonotic, namely that the 47 Huanan market cases were all Lineage B, and closely-related consistent with a super-spreader; however, at least some of the 38 other-market cases were Lineage A. Both lineages spread from Wuhan out. Zoonosis posits Lineage A diverged into Lineage B at a wildlife farm or during transport, and both spread to different markets/humans. LabLeak posits Lineage A in the lab, diverging either there or during/after escape. Garry thinks it’s harder to account for different strains specifically in different markets. And the linking of early cases to the markets, just like the earlier SARS-CoV. A responder argues for direct bat-to-human transfer. Another argues that cryptic human spread, only noticed after market super-spread events, renders the data compatible with either theory.

Older (Feb) Nature: Sequenced 5 Thai bats; Bats in colony with RmYN02 have neutralizing antibodies for SARS-CoV-2. Extends geog. distribution of related CoVs to 4800km.

June Nature Explainer: tries to sort un/known. “Most scientists” favor zoonosis, but LL “has not been ruled out”. “Most emerging infectious diseases begin with a spillover from nature” and “not yet any substantial evidence for a lab leak”. Bats are known carriers and RATG13 tags them, but 96% isn’t close enough - a closer relative remains unknown. “Although lab leaks have never caused an epidemic, they have resulted in small outbreaks”. [I sense specious reasoning there from small sample, but to their credit they point out there have been similar escapes that got contained.] They then consider five args for LL: (1) why no host found yet? (2) Coincidence first found next to WIV? (3) Unusual genetic features signal engineering (4) Spreads too well among humans. (5) Samples from the “death mine” bats at WIV may be the source. In each case they argue this might not favor LL, or not much. Mostly decent replies, moving the likelihood ratio of these closer to 1.0, which means 0 evidence either way.

Justin Ling’s piece in FP: I’m not a fan. As I’ve argued elsewhere, it’s uneven at best. Citing it almost count agains them. Still, mixed in with a good dose of straw-man emotional arguments, Ling rallies in the last 1/3 to raise some good points. But really just read the Nature Explainer.

I think collectively the sources they cite do support their position, or more specifically, they weaken some of the arguments for LabLeak by showing we might expect that evidence even under Zoonosis. The argument summaries:

Pro-Z: (a) Zoonosis has a solid portfolio; (b) There’s way more bats out there than first supposed; (c) There’s way more viruses in them bats; (d) Implicit, but there’s way more bush meat too;

Anti-LL: Key args for LabLeak are almost as likely under zoonosis. Although not mentioned here, that would, alas, include China’s squirreliness.

Based on these I revised my LL forecast from 67% ➛ 61%. The authors put it somewhere below 50%, probably below 10%. Fauci said “very, very, very, very remote possibility”. That seems at most 1:1000, as “remote” is normally <5%. Foretell and Metaculus are about 33%, so I may be too high, but I think we discounted LL too much early on.

Lates NAS newsletter quotes their outgoing editor, Daniel Saarewitz, from 25 years ago:

Saarewitz quote to the effect that scientific progress and lack of control may lead to anti-science movements.

“The resulting disaffection can fuel social movements that are antagonistic to science and technology.”

Link rot is worse than I thought.…

The full Atlantic article considers some remedies.